Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Read THIS blog post by a teacher. I mean actually read it. Take it in. Think about it. And then, write about it. What do you think about it? What is the teacher trying to say? In your own words explain what "the main event" is.

This story is about a teacher explaining the school system and what teachers think. He states that the main point of school is not to learn all the material. He says he point is to get the best grades possible and face the adversity to get ready for the real world because school is not the hardest thing you will do in your life. You have to stay up and study and do your homework so your grade doesn't drop and you do well on tests, so you can get into a good college. Then, you can go to college and get a degree and you will have all the prior experience from middle school, high school, and college to help you get and keep a job. "The school system is not about learning and never will be." I thought this quote was interesting and that you were supposed to learn in school.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


3 day weekend... how was it? Give me a good story or something funny that happened this weekend. Go.

This weekend was fun, went to the Varsity baseball game after practice on Friday. On Saturday, I had baseball practice in the morning and hit some dingers. On Sunday, I went to see Fast and furious 7 and it was a really good movie. Really touching and a great tribute to Paul Walker.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Elaborate on why you agree or disagree.

If images are on the internet they should be "free game".

I agree because it honestly does not seem like a big deal to just use someone's picture if they did not want to be seen/used they would have kept it. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Reflect on your resume website.
I wish I would have made the background color of my header a different color because it did not go with the rest of my website. I wish I would have known how to put pictures next to my box instead of under it. There were some really good websites with some cool fonts and styles and there were some that lacked complexity and information. Overall I thought I was about middle of the class. If I just learned how to do a couple of things and changed my color scheme it would be at the top of the class.

Monday, March 30, 2015


What's the coolest thing you've learned in Web Design so far? Why is it so cool and how can it help you in the future?
How to make a website and code images, also putting the style sheet together giving the website the character that it needs to look cool. The website with the style sheet makes the websites look like regular websites and look unique. It can help me in the future by making websites for my job or future classes. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Define 'User Experience'. What does it mean and how does it relate to web design? Explain yourself.

User Experience is the process of enhancing user satisfaction by improving the usability, ease of use, and pleasure provided in the interaction between the user and the product. Its relates to web design because almost everything we have done so far can be done/made quicker and easier. An example is instead of having to code all of the regular stuff that every website has just have the framework already done and just input the information.

Monday, March 23, 2015


What is a resume website? What do people put on resume websites. Spend about 5-10 minutes looking up resume websites and what they are used for. Explain what you find. Include an image of a resume website if possible. 

A resume website is basically a resume that is made into a website but, looks a lot better than just a normal resume on a boring sheet of paper. It shows everything that the person looking for a job is interested in and his skill sets. Also, there are many clickable tabs about the person and their history. 

-Job Experience 
-About me
Resume Website

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


What are you doing for Spring Break?
I am going to stay in the Kansas City area for this Spring Break. I will probably hang out with friends and the watch the conference basketball tournaments and the start of the NCAA Basketball tournament. It will be fun because the weather is beginning to be very nice and many activities can be done.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Who do you look up to in your life? Why do you look up to them? Tell me about them and some of their characteristics that you admire.
My parents and older athletes because they are great role models and could teach me things I need to learn to better myself. They are really hardworking, compassionate, care for others, and selfless.

Monday, March 9, 2015


Tell me about your weekend.
On Friday, we had the last day of baseball tryouts and we figured out who made the team which I did. So then, on Saturday we had our first official practice in which we also had a player parent meeting. After that the weather was nice so I went out and golfed with some friends. On Sunday, I went to church then went to workout at lifetime. All in all a good weekend.

Friday, March 6, 2015


If you were the Principal for a week at BVHS, what would that look like? What changes would you make? Why?

If I were the principal for a week, I would make their be late start everyday, with all the hours shortened and 10 minute passing so rap battles can happen during passing periods. Because, students need to have their freedom and be able to speak freely and have fun.

Monday, March 2, 2015


Tell me about your weekend.
On Friday, I went to the Basketball games here at Blue Valley High School, Girls Varsity won and Boys Varsity lost but the teachers won in the DECA charity game. On Saturday and Sunday, I focused on baseball because baseball tryouts start on Monday.

Monday, February 23, 2015


Tell me about your weekend. Give me a story, something funny that happened, an experiencing you had, the way you felt, etc. Include photos!
On Friday, I went to the Blue Valley Basketball game they started off good but ended up losing then went to my friends house after the game. On Saturday, I had baseball in the morning and hung  out with my friends at night. On Sunday, I got my haircut, and then I practiced my driving for awhile.

Friday, February 20, 2015


The perfect curriculum would be directed towards every individual student, you could take whatever classes you want and each class would hit all the things important from the core classes. You would not have to do any work outside of class and the tests would be things applicable to the things you are studying, so possibly projects not actual written tests.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


My favorite food: Pasta
Foods I'd like to avoid: Bacon Chocolate
My favorite things to learn: Baseball
My favorite color: Red
My best friends are: My sports homies
My favorite games to play: Subway Surfer
My favorite books: Books that read to you
My favorite movies or TV shows: Big Bang Theory
My favorite holiday: My Birthday
Things I do well: Sports
Things I need to practice more: Sports
My favorite place to go: Dairy Queen
My favorite family activities: Wii
My favorite thing to do outside: Sports
My favorite chore: Getting the trash ready
My least favorite chore: none
What I want to be when I grow up: A business man
A place I want to visit: Paradise
My favorite part of the year: Summer
My favorite part of each day: 300- 1200 PM

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Color can convey a lot of emotion when it comes to designing anything from a product to a website to an advertisement to a logo and so much more. What do you think the importance of colors on a website are? What is a color scheme and why is it important to have when designing? Explain any thoughts you might have around color in design.
It creates a certain mood about the website whether it is happy or sad or fiery. Its is colors that blend well together and are similar and it is important when designing because it creates a certain mood. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Think about the quote above. What does this mean to you? How could this apply to your life? How could this apply to your school work (especially Web Design!)?  I would love to give you less work in class if it meant you were going to focus harder on the work. Do you think you would get more out of it? Would that work for you? Why or why not?
You will not have to work as long if you focus on what you are doing. If I am focused on getting my homework done and I finish it in 10 minutes I will save time that I could be doing other things. You are focused on finishing your website, you finish it, then work on codecademy and never have any homework. Yes, if we focused harder and had less to do that would be a lot better so we dont have to type all of the time.

Monday, February 9, 2015


Tell me all about your weekend! I sure hope you have photos to share.
On Friday, I went to the Boys Basketball game and they lost but it was a good game. They rest of the weekend I wasn't feeling very good so I just stayed inside until Sunday when it was beautiful out and I went on a run.

Friday, February 6, 2015


What's the coolest thing you've learned in this class so far this year? Now that you have a little knowledge, what do you want to learn that you don't know how to do yet?
How to make a website and make it fancy and create links and put  in pictures. How to make it easier, quicker, and cooler.

Monday, February 2, 2015


Tell me all about your Sweetheart weekend (even if you sat at home on the couch!). Include photos!
This weekend was a blast on Saturday, we went to dinner at Gaslight Grill and had fun at the dance and the after party was at Sydney Renkemeyers house. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


What is a website wire frame? Explain. If you don't know what it is, look it up. Find an image online to place on your blog that represents a website wire frame and how they work.
A website wire frame is a visual guide that represents the skeletal framework of a website, also like a website blueprint. Wire frames are created for the purpose of arranging elements to work the most efficiently. It focuses on what the screen does not what it looks like.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


10 years from now I will be 24 years old and hopefully will have just finished college and I will have a degree and be working in Business.

Monday, January 26, 2015


Tell me about your weekend.

My weekend consisted of my basketball tournament in which we took third place out of eight teams only losing to Lawrence Free State. I  also hung out with some friends and just chilled most of Sunday.

Friday, January 23, 2015


Rotten kids these days, they need a haircut and listen to their music to loud they are gonna blow out their eardrums. They are always on their phones they need to get outside and do something good for them not have their brains get friend by their cell phones.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


What do you find the most confusing and frustrating part of web design and HTML code so far? What would make it easier? What don't you understand? What do you understand? Explain yourself.
It takes for ever to accomplish what you are trying to do and you have to repeat so much stuff, it seems like you can just type stuff on a word document on a website you would like to create not code the entire thing.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Tell me about your three day weekend.

This weekend was filled with activities, on Friday, Saturday, and Monday I had basketball practice to prep for our game this Wednesday vs. Bishop Miege. Everyday I hung out with some peps and I also watched two Fast and Furious movies and went to see American Sniper.

Friday, January 16, 2015


Tell me a little bit about yourself and your life here at BVHS. What activities or clubs are you involved in? What year are you in school? What is your favorite class and/or teacher so far this year? What are you looking forward to this school year? Include some original photos from your phone if you can.
My life here at BVHS is chill not to hard expect for waking up early everyday, but I like late arrivals. I am currently playing for the Freshman A basketball team an look forward to playing baseball in the spring. I am a Freshman at Blue Valley High School and my favorite class is Sports Marketing with Mrs. Huseman. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Awesome Sauce
Be YOUtiful
Confidence is key
Dont listen to the haters
Effort is everything
Find yourself
Good Things
Happy Thoughts
Injury arent permanent
Jump for Joy
Kindness is key
Nobody is better than you
Open up to others
Quitting isnt cool
Rabbits are happy
Smooth like snakes
Teasing is not cool
U are the best
Vests are cool
Words mean nothing
Xylophones are chill
You are cool
Zebra are awesome

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


What are your thoughts on this class so far? Easy? Hard? Informative? Frustrating? What have you learned so far? What do you want to learn? Explain yourself.

This class has been very hands on and informative, it can be frustrating but, once you figure it out, it is easy. I have learned a lot about coding and blogging, and I would like to learn more about making websites.

Monday, January 12, 2015


Tell me about your weekend. What did you do? Upload a photo to your Google Drive and then insert the photo (or photos!) to your blog post to show me what all you did.
This weekend was fun I went to the Blue Valley JV and Varsity Basketball games on Friday night and they beat Northwest for the first time in a long time. On Saturday, I went to Lifetime to play basketball then had baseball practice then went to my friends house. Sunday was boring like normal.

Friday, January 9, 2015


On my report card, I would have many fun subjects like, Playing Baseball, Playing Sports in gym, Drinking lots of Gatorade, Eating lots of Donuts, and Watching Television. I was easily ace all of these courses.

Drinking lots of Gatorade: A
Eating Donuts: A
Watching television: A
Playing Baseball: A
Playing sports in gym: A


Read this small newspaper clipping and then write a blog post about it. What are your thoughts? How does it make you feel? Do you agree? Disagree? Explain yourself.

I feel that some of the points he made were true that we need to grow up and be responsible people but, we are in high school and some kids are younger and you still need to have fun. It makes me feel that he is trying to suck the fun out of being young and he wants everyone to be like mini adults.